To the Men & Women with power

Dear men/women with power and money,

Have you no heart?
What are we all doing while bombs are release to our fellow human brothers and sisters?
Are you sleeping soundly at night while they keep one eye open?
Do you eat breakfast, lunch, brunch, hi-tea and dinner while these people probably starve day in & day out?
Do you travel over high clouds in your planes and jets while these people cannot leave home because it's their heritage, it is dying and they have nowhere to go?
Do you splurge on holiday vacations and brand sales while these people can't even buy bread?
No matter how successful you are today, while this inhumane attacks are still happening, you still lose for doing nothing. Your money and power will never make you happy or content.
You will always be despised by many, your life may never be fulfilling

To the men/women with power and money

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