Archive for 2008

Happy End of year


this is my family photo... no matter how tough it gets.. love for them is unconditional from me

Photos that represent my peeps


Just Random things we did after 1am Syawal 1st on Sunway rooftop

That Small Speck of Time Spent

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its been some time dat i didnt write here... so
lately i had been ill, not too badd just caught a virus. was weak for 2 whole weeks but on somdays i didnt take an MC frm the clinic.. whatever laaa
i had some days of fun with a few of my family members we had a blast!!!!
i Just want to remind everyone that the reason for my blog is just for fun. to express my view of life from my point of view, how it effects me how it teaches me. its ok to go partying all out once in a while but just be down to earth or u'll forget who U really are..
i had this theory about my life after school,
i mean at my first semester: IT was time to make new frends n learn a life on my own (not quite on my own though) as a university student..
At my second semester it was time for me to learn about what i want to be in the future, my dreams, and to learn who my real frends are, i mean not all of them are angels but not all are devils either so i learned to forgive n forget plus to put all flaws behind n not let them get to me... i know not evryone likes me but luckily I have the support of my family n my real frends, to make matters a lil over-confident about myself, i even got the freaking guts to actually go n tell my feelings to my crush... heh BIG mistake, i was rejected in an instant, but NO regrets.. seriously, at least I'm not going bizerk about it, oh well let bygones be bygones.. ( for good)!!!
and now being in my third semester I've become a lil somewhat over board LAZY!!! with capital letters, lets not talk bout that more, it is the semester to get back together with high school frens, i remember hating evryone in high school after form 5 but ryte now for me, i think i shud give it a lil try, at least just to know whos who, whos what, whats in n whats not, whats memories shud be from the beginning, i bet no one actually reads what i write but i dont care, its for my own satisfaction.... n here are latest pics of me and the crowd around me ryt now in my holiday...

sambotan outing OC

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the UNIKL Orientation Committee....
kitorg mmg kamceng,we were like peas in a pod
but I dont know why, some are not getting along, I'm fine with everyone but sometimes my patience do take its toll... I explode or drown myself in my sorrows

I just dont knoe y some people just have grudges to each other when in the beginning and end... we are all just the same and we take mistakes big and small
so forgive and forget but ...
im just saying i myself am not perfect..
i always expected more from people... but i guess u dont always get what u want and u'll just have to deal and live with it....
but all that comes to enjoying ur day with the whole 'family', no matter if it bothers me or drives me crazy...
always see the bright side of things...
good thing do come out of the bad things... so endure and enjoy
so basically i dont knoe where my writing about this actually leads to... bet u dont understand...
but as i said.. this is my life experience...

13th Friday morning!! we are working


jus nk ckp la, skrg nie tgh dlm proses bwat satu siri utk Sirah Anbiyaa
2o org jer yg terlibat.... ad bhgian 3D, 2D n background. i'm in the 2D team... 'tukang cuci'.. LoL
Clean up prop laaaa....
to me this is a BIG opportunity for me because this means priceless experience for we have to do everything like real animators...
i am really honoured and greatful coz i am one of the lucky chosen 20 to be part of this history making process of my life, i just want to share our environment with all of u who are interested...
to tell u the truth we worked n played at the same time... lecturers and students alike... i'm very proud of all of them and myself because we all put our differences aside and cooperate to create just a half an hour show for our juniors who one day will be better...
i really hope those who will watch the show at Ramadhan, Sirah Anbiyaa,kisah Nabi Ibrahim will enjoy the show as much as we had enjoy making it for U....

Friends who are working, eat while working, playing and just plain drama kings and queens
all the same we cartoon heads are just plain cartoon lovers who wish to show skill and efforts as a team in this industry

Muka Faces


muka dia, muka kamu, muka siapa, muka kita...
kita sntiasa brmuka-muka...
adakah ini benar atau gurawan semata-mata....
bagaimana rupa muka anda?

Zoo Negara...lets gone!!!

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kite sume seronok terlebey nampak ank badak tepi tu... tapi jinx r... mak die cover.... xpe aslkn dpt begmba ngn classmate ramai2...

Animation, aza aza hwaiting!!!!

razif(along), zahir(panjang), lina(penguin), arfya(Haha), yana(sedonet), wawa(najib ali), azha(perasan acha)

al-kisah bile dh penat 'cuci mate' sume dh lapar....
yang gilenye the ladies sume bwak bekal, ape lagi bedal laaa!!!....
makan cam berkelah xhengat melahap ngalahkan badak kat belakang tu tadi.....

org2 baru-
izhar(izza yezza), shadiq(sigaraga), lan(speaker bergerak), farhan(pa'an rempit)...
prasan x sume org ade je nickname die



i have the tendency to not care about whats happening around me...

i guess i love my privacy alot..(not very healthy)

but xbermakne keluarge n kawan2 langsung xpedulik...

sayang tetap sayang.... org kate kite sombong tp xkenal maka xkenal la... erk...!

Tapi ade masenye hati lembot xhengat pnye...

jadi quality time ngn family tetap dikenang............

seronok dok Terengganu... men air free free jer... bersih lak tu...

klo nk story psl family dlu complicated laaa nnt2 la erk....