Archive for November 2010

The Week of Hari Raya Aidiladha + Final Year Presentation n Showcase

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Bile ckp pasal keje nie mmg xsiap2 lagi.. masyaallah
Baru sedar siap 40% aje sedangkan Present lagi 3 hari, ape nk buat Tuhan je laaa yang tahu, Mintak2 tak gagal aje lah... pemalas Na'uzbillah...

Nway, I just went through my posts..
I didnt expect anything or any one to read it.. takpe lah not that Interesting pon... But...
I was so surprised and so greatful that There actually are people who read my blog.. lately its very2 Emotional because of known reasons but,
I was told that people were touched at what I wrote in my blog,
I want to thank you to everyone for your support,
*currently shedding tears*
making me realise that I had actually hidden my real feelings towards the matter at hand, 

I was in DENIAL, I just wasn't ready for this kind of tragedy that God has bestowed apon our 'comfort' situation..
Unbelievable but true, as I scroll down the contact list in my phone, I saw the name and the number that I have memorized in case of anything circumstance.
That same number identified as my brother's contact.
But I didnt change the name in the phone..

In denial still grasping on to a hope that I know will never come true,
to get a phone call in the middle of gossiping with friends,
to be asked am I studying or playing around,
to tell a white lie and laugh when caught...
to be told 'Dont go fooling around at night'
'Dont waste your money on idle things'
'Do you have enough pocket money?'

and having to answer with a 'sigh..... don worry laaa, I try my best to take care of myself ok..'

Just last week was the 100th day anniversary
(not really celebrated this way but we still did a small family gathering and kenduri tahlil, bacaan Yasin just for her)

I actually have soooo many FOND memories of her,  I will tell you later when I have the time
where as right now I shud be focusing on my 2D animation
thanx for reading.. take care always
*flying kisses