Family 'Get Away'

People say that quality time is better then quantity cause u spend every bit of that time to be remembered... thats what my family did...

we went on a 'mind freeing','pocket busting' getaway...
at Malaysia laaa... we cant afford going overseas... yet!
I snapped alot of pictures but here are some that i think is worth putting in..................
to tell the truth i was between loving it and forced at the same time cause i donno if u can see that i wasnt feeling well...
kinda having a runny nose and coughs of delinquency at the same time soo...
all i can do is just SMILE

This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “Family 'Get Away'”

Syafiq Habib said...

fraser hill nowadays sejuk lagi tak?anyway,its pity that u kureng sehat waktu tu.but its okay.holidays is where our life change its color btol x?