Trivia Zaman Budak Budak The Series Ep 1

Bola Baling

Time: Sek Ren
Darjah: 6

All training jadi sia-sia.. why?
heh, sebab lepas a few of weeks training ade friendly match ngn another school
then I was picked for the second round so dpt la tgk sek lg stu tu bergolek dlm lumpur..


boleh nak bwat crite n drama... 
it was the shortest play I was ever in
hehe.... T_T
bola dh dpt kat tangan 
tak sedar another team member dekat belakang
lumpor masok mate, tangan dapat bola,

Kat mate, sangat2 saket, bangon n tros jalan ke tepi
mate tutop....
 Gelak lah
Kawan ckp..
"Pandai ko bwat 'drama' depan tu, sayang bukan kepale budak lawan yg ngko hentak" sambong gelak n beredaaar....

......-_- ape punye kawan...


Change the world one day at a time
And we will see a sunny side up
Katak Hijaw

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