Archive for April 2009
Lupee Lak
Tgh Bengang!!
So tell me, is it me or its 'IT' problem sbenanye...
WoRds That Hurt
My heart wanted to shatter
My soul is just drowning
I never thought words could Hurt someone so badly
My eyes just filled with tears
My lips were numb with unspoken words
My body felt as fragile as a flower petal
I'm listening to music
I'm trying to free my mind
I was called names, i never thought theyd say them
jumping from a high building was a choice
I wanted to scream my Head off
I wanted to tell everyone what happened
I was misundertood
My respect for them shattered
My dignity, My pride,
Whats left of it anyway
these times, i wished wishes could come true
I would wish them away from my memory
I really wish they will change
Why do they think the world is about them
News Flash People!..... ITS NOT
Lights! Camera! Action!!!
I thought I knew who you were
I cant believe the times i've spent
knowing you, likes and dislikes
i never see through you're real intentions
I said to god.... what a work of art
the devil should get an award
as you spoke the words 'i care'.
Where is the script, Wheres the camera?
Where are the lines and wardrobe?
What happened to the gifts
the hugs and kisses, the jokes and gags
the gossips, promises and sadness we bear together?
Wheres your crew and director?
Is there even a line for our life scenes?
At least L knoe you now before too late
Before all the future lies
You heartless piece of ****, cause you cant feel
I beat you, I kicked you, I shoved you OUT
I said goodbye like I even cared
I cant get rid of you, but as you said it