Archive for April 2009

Lupee Lak


owh lupe nk crite,
saye dapat keje kat DOME pavilion, it was fun laaa
tp part time aje n xlame, maybe next week if I'm needed, tu last week keje la... myb
saye sangat sukeeeeee manager ku bername sir Zaidi...
serious die sporting gile, bile tgh down ke ade buwat salah ker.... marah tu wajib la tp 
lepas tu very professional sbb xungkit2 pon.. 
the other managers pon ok gak tp xngam sgt laa, ade sedikit takot dgn diorg
hehehe ;P
then other workers yang bes2 barista, Jay!! mmg bes la bebual ngn die, caring gak,
klo jadi kawan tu sayang wooo.... byk menolong saye (ngeh ngeh ngeh)
then ade kak mas and kak amy n amielyn.... gorgeous people!! mmg baek
xde havoc2 sgt, keje mmg buat, afia lak rase cm pemalas,( mmg pon)
mmg syg la diorg nie, nk jugak gossiping ngn diorg tp xtaw knpe time kje org xbyk ckp sgt... 
rase cam 'pemulauwan diri' je tp xpe la
asalkan diorg ade sume ok! tip top
N chef xlupe gak, sir Jafridin sgt cool! die sempoi gile, kekadang tu kitorg desak2 sgt order nt die marah blek gune walkie talkie tp bunyik sgt kelakar.. LOL 
gelak bile igt...
as a fresh part-tymer, kne smooth talk ngn mbr2 opposite gender tu mmg biase la, rase xbiase lg tp for saye maseh idop lg so xde la masok kepale sgt...
sorry klo bosan membace tp i shud write this somewhere
so that i can remember it in the future as a nostalgic memory and experience
muaxx.. Luv U all!

Tgh Bengang!!

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So tell me, is it me or its 'IT' problem sbenanye...

so my group has to do this assignment right tp kan
kitorg xbleh nk bwat short film ni (the assignment)
sbb camcorder xder, then ok pinjam Universiti punyer
n then org yang spatotnye bagi kitorg camcorder tu plak xde, Cis!
dah 2, 3 hari dh dok tecangok dpan bilik lecturer tu, Cis!
xtaw la kitorg yg salah timing g carik die ker the other way around so
shooting ptot stat minggu ni but dgn keadaan skrg cmner org nk bwat keje pon.
pasal exam xpyh pikir byk sgt sbb 1 paper jer nway its another 2 weeks, 
esemen jer yg dok betimbon, harap nt sempat cuti ler...
pelakon pon xsteady lg, tut tut tut laaaa....

(luahan ati)

WoRds That Hurt

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My heart wanted to shatter
My soul is just drowning
I never thought words could Hurt someone so badly
My eyes just filled with tears
My lips were numb with unspoken words
My body felt as fragile as a flower petal
I'm listening to music
I'm trying to free my mind
I was called names, i never thought theyd say them
jumping from a high building was a choice
I wanted to scream my Head off
I wanted to tell everyone what happened
I was misundertood
My respect for them shattered
My dignity, My pride,
Whats left of it anyway
these times, i wished wishes could come true
I would wish them away from my memory
I really wish they will change
Why do they think the world is about them
News Flash People!..... ITS NOT

Lights! Camera! Action!!!

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For all those we see each other!!
I thought I knew who you were
I cant believe the times i've spent
knowing you, likes and dislikes
i never see through you're real intentions
I said to god.... what a work of art
the devil should get an award
as you spoke the words 'i care'.
Where is the script, Wheres the camera?
Where are the lines and wardrobe?
What happened to the gifts
the hugs and kisses, the jokes and gags
the gossips, promises and sadness we bear together?
Wheres your crew and director?
Is there even a line for our life scenes?
At least L knoe you now before too late
Before all the future lies
You heartless piece of ****, cause you cant feel
I beat you, I kicked you, I shoved you OUT
I said goodbye like I even cared
I cant get rid of you, but as you said it
IT'S ALL AN ACT!*this was actually the sweetest gift I received from friends I knew from another school.. I still love you guys

Feeling something tonight

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PacarKu SahaBat

Tidak disangka,layanan yang diberi

Pacarku amat disayangi

Pasang surut perasaan chenta dan benci

tidak tenang seperti ombak di pantai

namun layanan yang ku berikan berbeza, sahabat

semakin ku suka semakin ku jauhi, inikan sengsara

Pacarku sahabat

selamilah jiwa ini yang sering dilukai

ubatilah dengan qaseh dan Chenta mu

Tetapi dirimu jauh dari memahami

seperti seorang sahabat

ingin ku luahkan kata beku dihati ini

tentang dirimu yang ingin ku sayangi

berat rasa jiwa ini membohongi hati

Pacarku Sahabat

Kata terindah buatku, terperit buat mu

Perpisahan yang terniat, tidak kesampaian

tak ingin melukai seperti dilukai, ku tetap disisi mu

pacarku Sahabat
